It's good to have a new piece on the Broadmeadows line. The wall came out pretty good. There are also Sat, Zode and New2 pieces on it. I'm still waiting to get pics.
I did this on Friday after work. It was good to kick back with some mates and drink the afternoon away. I think I had a few too many and stuffed up my piece. Lucky Hist was there to help me clean it up.
One of the things I love about Melbourne is all the bombed doorways. They are like a roll call of writers who have been in the area. They are everywhere. Here is one example.
I like doing a quick piece after work. It breaks up the week and gives me something to think about when I get home. I try to get one a week done. This occasion was different because I had some mates from out of town. Optix from Berlin, Vans from Adelade and Sums from Ireland. It was all a bit rushed because I was trying to get home in time for dinner.
Once we had started Shem and Phact showed up and had a paint.
Here is a pic of my piece before I killed it with the black and grey lines. Nice squat hey.
I painted the Footscray wall with Sat yesterday. We both couldn't believe the amount of quality burners by AFP and RDC. It was inspiring. There were so many prime examples of true Melbourne burners. Here is what we did. I hope we didn't let the wall down. (I'm not really that fat. The wind was blowing my tshirt.)
Here is a roof top I did last year with Kube from Ireland and Flying fortress from Germany. I was in a rush when I did it and I painted it really quick. It’s a bit old and faded in this pic. It’s in the new Dirty Deeds magazine. Check it out.
If someone told me 2 weeks ago that I was going to paint a rooftop with Trim and Method I would have told them to get off the drugs. Funny enough, they both popped up out of the blue. I haven't heard or seen of Trim in nearly 7 years and Meth has been out of the country for the last 5 years. It was great to paint with them again and even better to sit around sinking beers and catch up.
I was on my way home with Tres and Skat the other night and we thought we'd jump out the car and do something quick on the train line. I thought we were doing quick pieces and the other guys thought we were doing throwies. Anyway. I like what we did in 5 minutes.